APU Articles

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Advice for College Students: 5 Things Your Professor Wants You to Know

July 24, 2018

Starting college can come with a lot of uncertainty, but your ability to succeed in the classroom doesn’t have to be a point of worry.

Advice for College Students: 5 Things Your Professor Wants You to Know

3 Trends in K-12 Education That Are Shaping Teacher Training

July 21, 2018

Enrolling in a teacher training program is about more than simply earning a degree.

3 Trends in K-12 Education That Are Shaping Teacher Training

The Biggest Adjustments You’ll Make Going from High School to College

July 17, 2018

Transitioning from high school to college can be both intimidating and thrilling. The prospect of newfound freedom and new friends is exciting, but the uncertainty of taking college-level classes, navigating an unfamiliar campus, and not having any family members to help you with all the aspects of life outside of the classroom can be overwhelming at times.

The Biggest Adjustments You’ll Make Going from High School to College

Yes, Financial Aid for Graduate School Is Available

July 14, 2018

Pursuing a graduate degree is a worthwhile investment that can help secure your career path and potentially lead to increased earnings.

Yes, Financial Aid for Graduate School Is Available

4 Tips for Buying Your College Textbooks from the APU Bookstore

July 12, 2018

Back-to-school season is just around the corner, and before you know it, it’ll be time to head to campus and begin your college experience. But before jumping into an exciting semester of classes at Azusa Pacific University, it’s important to properly prepare and make sure you’ve got all the materials you need to succeed.

4 Tips for Buying Your College Textbooks from the APU Bookstore

Find Your Strengths and Find Success

July 10, 2018

When you hear people suggest that you should find your strengths, does it make you excited? Or does it invoke visions of some all-day aptitude test in a boring office building? According to the newest thought leadership on individual strengths, what’s important is not just whether you’re good at math or have above-average dexterity—how you feel about what you’re doing matters just as much (if not more).

Find Your Strengths and Find Success

Churches Experience Growth Among Multiethnic Congregations

July 09, 2018

It’s Sunday morning and the Monrovia High School auditorium fills up rapidly. Hundreds of people find their seats as the worship service begins. Traditional gospel music fills the air, followed by a contemporary Hillsong tune. With one glance around the room, the musical juxtaposition makes perfect sense. Fellowship Monrovia’s congregation is comprised of people from different cultures, ages, and racial backgrounds. While historically each of these people groups would attend a separate church and sing their own style of music, today, Fellowship is part of a growing national trend of diverse churches.

Preparing for College: What You Need to Know About Move-In Weekend

July 08, 2018

As you’re preparing for college, you may wonder what to expect from your first day and week on campus. The experience is unlike any other you may have had so far. Four years ago, I got my initial taste of college life when I arrived at my new home, Azusa Pacific University. My dad’s truck was filled to the brim, and I thought there was no way all my stuff would fit into a dorm room. Deep down, I wondered whether I was going to fit in: Was I cut out for college life? I quickly discovered that the first day and week of college are designed to allay those fears, getting you excited and prepared for the journey ahead. Here are some things to expect.

Preparing for College: What You Need to Know About Move-In Weekend

6 Tips for Parents and Families Anticipating Their Student’s First College Move-In Day

July 05, 2018

The day you leave your student at college can be quite bittersweet. While you are proud of your their personal and academic accomplishments—and excited to see them venture forth into the next chapter of life—you are also sad to drive back home without them. It’s an emotional time!

6 Tips for Parents and Families Anticipating Their Student’s First College Move-In Day

Charting Your Course Through College with an Academic Advisor

July 03, 2018

Charting your course through college might sound like a straightforward endeavor—or it might sound kind of intimidating. Both reactions are common, and addressing them can be made much easier with the help of an academic advisor.

Charting Your Course Through College with an Academic Advisor

Pack Smarter: What to Consider When Creating Your College Packing List

June 30, 2018

Preparing for a move to a new place is never easy. That’s why there are countless websites out there claiming they have the ultimate college packing list to help lighten your load come fall. But instead of relying on a general list of items, it’s important to match your suitcase to the specific place you’re heading, as everything from the climate to housing policies to campus amenities will be a large factor in determining what you should bring.

Pack Smarter: What to Consider When Creating Your College Packing List