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The Statement of Faith, Mission Statement, Statement of Essence, Cornerstones, and the Motto of Azusa Pacific University provide a solid foundation on which to build identity statements of the institution as an evangelical Christian university. These documents evidence a strong Christian commitment and form the core of the increasingly far-reaching nature and scope of the APU community. They give expression to a strong, clear, unswervingly evangelical Christian worldview that permeates the university and guides its activity. As its guiding center, the university is able to grow more effectively in the confidence that its Christian nature will flourish.
The documents that have been part of the growing history of APU serve as a cohesive core. Each evolves from the other, providing consistency and natural coordination that demonstrate the university’s worldview as thoroughly Christian.
- The Statement of Faith is the central statement of the university in matters of identity and nature. It provides an evangelical Christian declaration of the theological underpinnings on which the university is built. It contains a clear description of faith and living as a reflection of the institution’s heritage of integration of right belief and right living.
- The Mission Statement provides the direction and task to which the university applies its resources and effort, with the understanding that the integrative nature of faith cannot be fulfilled apart from a mission of transformation consistent with a Christian commitment.
- The Essence Statement describes the nature of the university in living out core values in the pursuit of its mission.
- The Cornerstones serve as a strategic guide to focus the efforts needed to fulfill the university’s mission. They reflect the strategic emphases of implementation.
- The Motto expresses the foundational commitment on which the university statements and policies rest.