What to Consider as a College Transfer
When I decided to transfer schools, I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking for. I’d had a great first semester of college, but knew I needed to make a change. So I sat down to think about what was missing. As a college transfer, I knew it would be key to be positive about the decision that I was making. So I contemplated school size, environment, location, prestige, opportunities, and a variety of other aspects. I realized that I wanted to attend a school that had a larger student body than the one I first attended. I discovered that I needed to be in a community where there was more to do and where I had more freedom. Before you decide to become a college transfer student, it is important to know what lies behind your desire to go somewhere new. Choosing to transfer schools can be difficult yet rewarding.

Thankfully APU made my experience as a college transfer simple by providing vast resources to make the transition smooth. Make the most out of the opportunities provided by taking advantage of these resources:

Engage With Your Transfer Counselor

Once I expressed interest in attending APU I was immediately connected with a transfer counselor who assisted me with whatever I needed. He helped me to explore majors, as I was unsure of what I wanted to pursue. Once I was accepted, my counselor informed me about which of my classes were awarded transfer credits and which were denied. He created a class schedule for me and explained how I could change it if I needed to. My transfer counselor also informed me about scholarships available to transfer students and connected me with the financial department. This set me up for success as I entered APU. Remember that your counselor is there to help you. Don’t be afraid to set up an appointment, send them an email, or call them when a question comes to mind.

Choose On-Campus Housing

Although transfer students are provided with the opportunity to live on or off campus, living on campus can be extremely beneficial. APU has a few housing areas that are set aside specifically for transfers which provide opportunities to connect with students with similar experiences. I met a lot of new people because I lived on campus. My resident assistant was intentional about connecting the students who lived in my section by inviting us to a variety of events with her. Because I lived on campus, I always knew what exciting things were happening.

Attend Orientation

APU encourages college transfer students to attend Welcome Weekend and transfer events, where they can meet other new students. Although you probably went to orientation as a freshman, it is just as important as a transfer student. Attending orientation helped me to feel more comfortable on campus. We were given tours formulated specifically to our major and our class schedule. There were break out sessions addressing various important topics related to transferring and attending APU.

I was able to meet professors, new students, and also students who had been at APU from the beginning of their college career. During orientation, transfer students are assigned to small groups that are mentored by an older student who transferred previously. These groups attend events together and meet throughout the semester to catch up and share experiences. Transfer students are also invited to join Team Transfer, a club that seeks to form a greater community among these students.

Get Involved

Once you are settled at your new school, it is important to get involved on campus. APU has approximately 50 clubs and organizations that students can participate in. Students are also encouraged to start new clubs. Joining a club is a great way to create a community on campus with people who enjoy the same things that you do.

Although becoming a college transfer is often challenging and stressful, APU seeks to create a welcoming and inviting space for all students, especially those who are new. Be sure to research the universities that you are considering transferring to—tour the campus, research the opportunities they provide for transfers, and talk to current students about their time on campus!