Online Graduate Degrees: 6 Reasons You Should Pursue One
Gone are the days when your location and schedule could be viewed as potential barriers to getting an advanced degree. Today, the accessibility of online graduate degrees allows students all over the globe to study almost anything from almost anywhere at any time. According to U.S. News & World Report, more than 6.3 million students took at least one online course during the fall semester of 2016—and that number continues to grow.

Increasingly, graduate students are being drawn to the online degree programs like those offered through Azusa Pacific University. If you’ve been thinking about pursuing an online graduate degree, here are six reasons you should make plans to enroll.

1. You Can Study around Your Schedule

With graduate students tending to have multiple obligations outside of school, online graduate degrees offer a real advantage. Being able to study when it’s most convenient for your schedule enables you to balance your coursework alongside your existing commitments. You can focus on studying during your lunch break, at night after your kids go to bed, or on the weekends.

An online degree program also allows you to work at your own pace. Whereas traditional classrooms tend to operate at the speed of college professors, online graduate programs operate at the preferred timing of students. You’ll certainly still have deadlines, but you can generally work at your own leisure. Whether you feel more focused at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m., you can watch lectures and complete homework whenever works best for you!

2. You Don’t Have to Pause Your Career

In the past, many students had to pause their career plans in order to pursue a graduate degree. But the flexibility of an online graduate program means you can study right where you are without missing any important momentum in your career. If you’re pursuing a degree that aligns with your current path, you’ll even be able to apply what you’re learning right away to real-world experiences.

3. You Can Study from Anywhere

No longer do you have to live in a college town to pursue further education. Thanks to APU’s online graduate degree offerings, you can live across the street from the university, in a neighboring state, or even around the world. This also means you’re not limited to graduate programs in your hometown; you can look for the best possible academic situation for you. Plus, you can study anywhere—you’re only limited by your ability to get a strong internet connection.

4. You Can Engage with People Living in Different Places

Sure, in a traditional classroom, you’ll study with people from a variety of backgrounds. But here’s the difference when pursuing online graduate degrees: You’re not just learning with people who are from other places, you’re studying with people who currently live in other locations. That means as you discuss topics from class in online discussion forums, you’re engaging with people whose daily lives are likely much different from yours. This can provide you with valuable insights and perspective.

5. You’ll Gain Experience Using Innovative Technology

No matter your career field, technology will likely play an increasingly essential role. Accordingly, your ability to keep up with technological changes may play a part in your future career advancement. When you work toward online graduate degrees, you get the added experience of regularly using new technology and learning computer skills that can be plugged back into your chosen profession.

6. You’ll Save Time

While your coursework will still take about the same amount of time whether you’re in a physical classroom or an online one, you won’t have to spend time commuting in traffic or finding a parking spot. Depending upon your situation, this could save you hours each week—time you can re-invest in your career, your studies, or time with family and friends.

Interested in seeing what online graduate degrees you can pursue at Azusa Pacific University? Explore the school’s online degree programs.