The 28 annual event, “The Ethics of Storytelling,” held February 7, 2015, drew faculty and students from institutions throughout Southern California and showcased the scholarship of more than 30 students from several disciplines, including English, communication studies, journalism, public relations, and leadership. Terrence Lindvall, Ph.D., C.S. Lewis Endowed Chair of Communication and Christian Thought at Virginia Wesleyan College, delivered the keynote address, “Parables: The Gospel in Nutshells and Other Contemporary Comedic Forms,” illustrating the role of storytelling in the Bible and its ability to reveal truths about God’s nature and actions.

Not only did the event guide students through the formal process of academic research, but it also afforded them the opportunity to talk with professional recruiters about employers’ expectations, realities of the marketplace, jobs available in their fields, and strategies for success as communication professionals. Student presenters found practical applications for their research beyond the classroom and began to see themselves as scholars.