Peter on a ladder holding net of a basketball hoop

Peter Bond’s ’08 loves the sound of a basketball being bounced, dribbled, and shot into a hoop, almost as much as the sound of his three children running up to hug him. As a caring husband, loving father, skilled coach, and attentive mentor, Bond’s life is marked by selflessness. Bond puts his best foot forward in everything he does, exemplifying what it means to pursue God’s calling by doing what you love as Azusa Pacific University’s men’s basketball head coach.

As a Southern California native, Bond grew up well acquainted with APU. His church partnered with APU for a short term mission trip to Mexicali, Mexico, which Bond thoroughly enjoyed throughout his childhood. When deciding where to attend college, he knew he wanted to deepen his faith at a Christian university. “APU felt like home when I walked on campus, much more so than the other schools I visited,” he said.

Bond’s undergraduate years were incredibly fruitful. Basketball has always played a major role in his life, and getting to play on APU’s team throughout his four years offered  Bond the opportunity to not only enhance his athletic skills, but shape his personal development. “Being part of a team cultivates values that are often counter-cultural. From learning how to manage time well, communicate with those you might disagree with, and look out for others, experiencing something bigger than myself was life changing,” he said. Bond made lasting friendships as a student, surrounded himself with mentors who made a difference in his commitment to Christ, and met his wife Erin ’10, who he has been married to for 13 years.

For Bond, his vocation has always been centered around selflessness. “Basketball for me has always been bigger than its personal impact. I like to be part of a winning culture, where we strive to win games, make a lasting legacy, and are focused on helping each other,” he said. He fondly remembers his former coaches, Bill Odell and Justin Leslie. “They made me the coach I am today.” Bond became a difference maker through his transformative experience learning from his coaches and teammates. “I aim to surround myself with people who hold themselves to a high standard. Being part of the APU basketball program has always taught me that you can make morally correct decisions and still win.” After graduating, Leslie offered Bond a volunteer assistant coaching job upon graduation, which launched Bond’s coaching career.

Bond continued working his way up positions as a coach, working part time from 2009-2012, full time as an assistant coach from 2012-2019,  then becoming the head coach in 2019. When asked what he loves most about coaching APU’s men’s basketball team, Bond paused, sharing that the list is long. “The thing I love most comes down to how much I love this place, this basketball program, and getting to allow the men on the team to experience what I did as a student,” he said. Bond’s excitement is evident in the way he enthusiastically welcomes recruits to the team, creating an environment focused on making the most of these formative years in a college athlete’s life. 

Coaching basketball at APU has allowed Bond to fulfill his calling. “First and foremost, I’m called to help lead people to Christ,” he said. “Second, APU’s done so much for me, and I hope to give back by being a small part of the players’ lives.” To Bond, his role entails more than leading the team to play their best. He makes a positive impact by mentoring the players as they think of their future.

“Someday the ball’s going to stop bouncing, but I want the players to know that there is so much to look forward to in life, like being a husband and father.”

Bond’s three children can often be found dribbling with APU’s basketball team and cheering at games. Caleb, age 9, Nolan, age 6, and Jake, age 3, look up to each player, inspired by their talents and kindness. Bond acknowledges how busy being a coach is, and often spends time away at games, so he incorporates his family any way he can, setting an example for the players of what it means to pursue your calling in all areas of life.

Through the challenges that naturally arise in a competitive space, Bond guides the team to remain focused on their goals, work hard toward increasing their athletic skills, and collaborate. Bond shared that the 2023-2024 season was a testament to the team’s commitment to persevering through difficult times. While the season started with more losses than they’d expected, the team finished the year as one of the best teams in the nation, winning the conference tournament championship, and landing a spot in the NCAA DII Sweet 16.

Watching the players graduate is always a bittersweet moment for Bond. While he is sad to no longer have the students on the team anymore, Bond is proud of the players for the maturity they’ve experienced throughout their four years. “Success to me looks like the players being prepared to move on to the next step in life,” he said. “The world needs what they have to offer.”

Bond inspires everyone he meets to do their best because of the way he fully dedicates himself to his job and family. By caring about each individual players’ spiritual, personal, and professional growth, he illustrates what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Bond is a testament to how one’s calling encapsulates more than your career, but the people who God has led you to continuously love as well.