Make a Payment
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Contact Information
APU offers a variety of options and methods of payment—all to help make paying for your degree easier. From convenient online payments to in-person payments, our options help you pay for your degree when and how it works best for you.
Undergraduate Information
Online Payments
Payments can be made online through our online Billing and Payment System.
- Can’t log onto our online Billing and Payment System? Are you set up as an Authorized Payer?
- Billing and Payment Statement Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Online Billing and Payment System FAQs
Note: Because we use an online Billing and Payment System, we do not mail paper bills/statements. Students will receive emails at their university email address, enabling them to review their statement and make payments online. Students can set up his/her parents as authorized payers so that they may receive email notifications when statements are ready to be viewed, as well as make electronic check payments.
International Payments
Azusa Pacific University has partnered with Flywire to provide you with an easy and secure method of making payments from your home country. To make an international payment:
- Visit our online Billing and Payment System
- Sign in using your APU NetID and password
- View or download your most recent statement to see your current balance
- Select “Make Payment”
- Select “International payments with Flywire” or go to Flywire
For help making payments, contact Flywire’s Customer Support Team at support@flywire.com
Payments by Mail
Print a copy of the bill from your online account, write a check for the appropriate amount, and mail to:
Bursar's Office (East Campus, Building 29)Azusa Pacific University
PO Box 7000
Azusa CA 91702-7000
Make checks payable to Azusa Pacific University and include the student’s name and APU ID number on the check.
Azusa Pacific University accepts credit card payments for charges that appear on the student account, including tuition, room, and board. Credit card payments can be made online only and cannot be taken in person. Credit card payments are subject to a service fee amounting to 2.85%, or 4.25% for international credit cards. A $3 minimum service fee for card transactions more than $20 and less than $106 will be charged. Service fees are charged and collected by our third-party vendor; the fees are not paid to APU.
Have a credit on your account? It will be automatically refunded to you within 2-3 weeks after the end of the Add/Drop period. The check will be sent to your APU campus box. If you don’t have one, it will be mailed to the mailing address specified on your student account. Or, if you are signed up for electronic refunds, it will go to your bank account on file.
Students and/or parents can also use our online Billing and Payment System to deposit money into an account called Cougar Bucks, which students can use at all Dining Services venues, the Campus Store, Azusa Print + Design, library printers, and selected vending machines around campus.
To wire funds, download the Wire Transfer Funds Form (PDF) and fill in the “Funds wired from” and “Purpose of funds” sections. This form can be given to the institution wiring the funds. It is very important that you notify your bank of two things:
- To whom your money will be credited (Azusa Pacific University)
- Who the beneficiary is (student name and ID)
Monthly Payment Plan
APU offers students a 4-month payment plan at no additional cost. Students will have an opportunity to choose which payment plan they would like to enroll in for the year. Students who wish to be removed from a payment plan may pay their owing balance in full at any time.
4-Month Payment Plan
Fall Semester |
Spring Semester |
August 1 | January 1 |
September 1 | February 1 |
October 1 | March 1 |
November 1 | April 1 |
2-Month Payment Plan
Summer Semester |
May 1 |
June 1 |
APU offers students a 4-month payment plan option for students in their first semester at APU at no additional cost. Students will automatically be placed in this payment plan through our online Billing and Payment System. Students who wish to be removed from a payment plan may pay their owing balance in full at any time.
4-Month Payment Plan
Fall Semester |
Spring Semester |
August 1 | January 1 |
September 1 | February 1 |
October 1 | March 1 |
November 1 | April 1 |
Things to Remember
- Check your statement every month.
Payment plans can change after the first statements of the semester are issued in July, December, and April based on activity on a student’s account (i.e. increase or decrease in number of units enrolled in, adding a parking permit, requesting Cougars Bucks, etc.). - Financial aid may change if not enrolled full time.
Before the Add/Drop deadline (refer to the academic calendar), all financial aid is reflecting full-time enrollment (12-18 units). If a student is not registered full time at this point, their financial aid will be readjusted to reflect enrollment. This will affect the payment plan.
If the semester balance is not paid in full by the last due date, students will not be able to continue into future courses. APU realizes that extenuating circumstances may sometimes impact a student’s ability to complete the semester. Depending on the circumstances, if a student stops attending all of his or her classes after the add/drop deadline, it may be classified as a “withdrawal,” “leave of absence,” or “dismissal” from the university.
Graduate and Professional Information
Online Payments
Students can make online credit card, debit card, and ACH/check payments directly from their checking account through our Billing and Payment System. Note that payments made online using credit or debit cards are subject to a service fee amounting to 2.75% or 4.25% of the amount of the payment (the 2.75% service fee is charged and collected by our third-party vendor; international credit cards are assessed 4.25%; the fee is not paid to APU). Log in to our Billing and Payment System by signing in to your account at home.apu.edu. Under Self Service, select Billing and Payment to make an online payment. If your APU NetID has expired, contact IMT at (626) 815-5050 to request a new password.
In-person payments are accepted at any Azusa Pacific University Cashier, including the Graduate and Professional Cashier. Cash, debit cards, cashier’s checks, and personal checks are accepted. Credit cards are accepted only through our online Billing and Payment System.
International Payments
Azusa Pacific University has partnered with Flywire to provide you with an easy and secure method of making payments from your home country. To make an international payment:
- Visit our Billing and Payment System
- Sign in using your APU NetID and password
- View or download your most recent statement to see your current balance
- Select “Make Payment”
- Select “International payments with Flywire” or go to Flywire
For help on how to make a payment, contact Flywire’s Customer Support Team at support@flywire.com.
Payments by Mail
To make a payment by mail, write a check or money order payable to Azusa Pacific University for the appropriate amount. Include the student’s name and APU ID number on the check. Mail to:
Graduate and Professional Center
Student Financial Services Cashier
Azusa Pacific University
PO Box 7000
Azusa CA 91702-7000
The university will not accept third-party checks. Returned checks are subject to a $30 fee.
Note: The university reserves the right to require either cash or cashier’s check payments for any student whose account reflects a history of dishonored payments.
Due Dates
- Tuition charges are considered due on the first day of class.
- Fees are due on the date that they are charged to a student’s account.
Past Due Balances
- A charge is considered “past due” once the due date for the tuition or fee charge passes and the charge remains unpaid.
- A student with a charge that is past due by more than 30 days will not be able to register for classes, receive a diploma, or letters of recommendation.
- Students who have significantly past due charges (more than one term old) on their account may be referred to internal or external collections.
Financial Agreement
A student may not participate in graduation ceremonies, register for further sessions, or receive any diploma, certificate, or Degree Verification Letter until all financial obligations have been satisfied with a zero balance. Any diploma, certificate, or letter of recommendation shall be retained by the university as a security interest until all such obligations are satisfied. Release of any such security interest prior, or subsequent to, any default by the debtors shall not be considered a binding precedent or modification of this policy.
The university reserves the right to make any changes in costs, payment plans, and refund policies without notice.
Payment Plans
At this time, APU does not offer graduate or professional students the option of enrolling in a pre-established payment plan.
Students with an outstanding balance will receive a monthly email directing them to view their balance online.
Our Billing and Payment System enables students to pay account fees, including tuition, room and board, health insurance, course fees, and other miscellaneous charges. Students and authorized payers may receive e-bills and make e-payments directly online. This system eases the payment process by allowing payments to be made at any time, from any location with Internet access.
Azusa Pacific University offers electronic billing and payment as the primary means of providing student account statements and payment options to all students. Paper statements are no longer printed or mailed to enrolled students. Students receive emails at their university email address, enabling them to review their statement and make online payments.
Make a Payment Online
1. Does APU accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express online.
2. Who is eligible to pay using a credit card?
All students are eligible to pay using a credit card.
3. How can I pay using a credit card?
Credit card payments can only be made online via the “Billing/Payment” link in your student center. Our third party vendor processes all payments made online.
4. Are there any fees associated with credit card payments?
Yes, there is a mandatory 2.85% service fee added to every payment made online using a credit card.
5. What happens if I pay by debit card?
Debit cards payments made in person at the Cashier’s Office in the Student Services Center will not be charged a fee. However, debit card payments made online will incur the 2.85% service fee.
6. Where does the fee go?
The 2.85% service fee is charged and collected by our third party vendor. The fee is not paid to APU.
7. Can I pay in person or over the phone using a credit card?
No, credit card payments are only accepted online. The only exception is for Non-Refundable Deposits required by newly admitted students in specific programs. These non-refundable deposits can be made online or in person.
8. Who can I call for questions and assistance?
Student Services Center
Email: ssc@apu.edu
Phone: (626) 815-2020
Fax: (626) 815-3809
Online Billing and Payment System Frequently Asked Questions
The email containing information about your online statement comes from ssc@apu.edu. To avoid having this email sent to your junk, spam, or bulk folder, please set up ssc@apu.edu as a contact.
All currently enrolled students will receive electronic bills. Printed bills can be obtained by accessing your account online, through our online Billing and Payment System, and printing out the e-bill. The e-bill can be accessed and printed at any computer with Internet and printer access. The university also has several designated computers on campus for students to access their accounts and print bills.
Students have the option to designate another party (authorized payers); ?>) to view and pay student bills. This third party will need a one-time authorization, issued by the student via the payment website. The authorized user can then access the third party vendor system directly or through the university website to view the student’s billing information and make payments.
Once the authorized payer has logged into our online Billing and Payment System, the payer can change his/her login name and password, and set up and store his/her own profile and account information. Thereafter, unless authorization is canceled, the third party will be notified via his/her own email address that the student’s e-bill is available for viewing. The individual can also log into the website to view the student’s billing information and make a payment. This authorization only gives access to statements and payment options; authorized payers will not have access to any other student records.
For more information, visit the Billing and Payment System website.