David Colachico, PhD

Professor Emeritus, School of Nursing
David Colachico, PhD, is the author of several books and articles including “Stress and Children with Disabilities,” a chapter in Children and Stress: Understanding and Helping (ACEI, 2001), a book written in reaction to the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11.
- PhD, Texas A&M University
- MEd, University of Vermont
- BA, Johnson State College
Academic Area
- School of Nursing
- Special Education Law
- Academic Writing
- Historical Research/Trends in American Education
Courses Taught
- GNRS 660 Theories of Teaching and Instruction
- GNRS 661 Leadership and Role Development in Nursing Education
- GNRS 662 Assessment, Curriculum, Development, and Outcomes
- GNRS 597 Comprehensive Examination