Christopher Noble, PhD
Office Hours
M - 1-3 p.m. T - 12-1 p.m.

Professor, Department of English and Honors College
Chris Noble, PhD, is professor of English and humanities at Azusa Pacific University, teaching literature, aesthetics, critical theory, and composition. He has published on a broad variety of topics including gender theory, Christian higher education, and 19th-century British literature and culture. Poet W.B. Yeats once claimed that “education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire,” but Noble politely demurs from this view, believing that it can be both.
- PhD, English Literature, University of California, Irvine
- MA, English Literature, University of California, Irvine
- BA, English and Philosophy, Westmont College
Academic Area
- Honors College
- Writing Program
- School of Humanities and Sciences
- Literary Criticism
- English Literature
Courses Taught
- ENGL 111 – Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 222 – English Literature Survey to 1789
- ENGL 232 – English Literature Survey Since 1789
- ENGL 480 – Contemporary Literary Criticism
- ENGL 487 – Literary Movements
- WRIT 110 — The Art and Craft of Writing