Gail Houghton, PhD

Professor Emerita, Department of Teacher Education
Gail Houghton, PhD, is a professor emerita of APU’s Department of Educational Leadership. She served as the department chair and program director for the Professional Administrative Services Credential program. Prior to her employment at APU, she worked for 34 years in several K-12 districts serving as an administrator at both the site and district levels. She has served as assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction, assistant superintendent of human resources, and interim superintendent for a year in a large school district. Her research interests focus on identifying successful leadership strategies in improving low-performing schools and assessing the impact of using personal strengths to accomplish legislative requirements and improve student achievement.
- PhD, Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Educational Leadership, United States International University
- MS, Pupil Personnel Services, California State, Fullerton
- BS, Business with a minor in English, California State, Long Beach
Academic Area
- School of Education